Sunday, April 4, 2010

Custom made baby bottle

If you choose not to give your baby breastfeeding after 6 month old, bottle maybe will be your alternate choice. These day you can find many choices of baby bottle in the market which look like standard bottle. Well, you will be amaze with this new concept of baby bottle by Design Continuum.
3-d Baby bottle design concept by Design Continuum

" Design Continuum is developing a customized nipple – custom-made based on a 3-D scan of the mother's breast. The bottle is oriented to allow a baby to better nuzzle against the mother's cradling arm, promising a position more similar to a natural breast-feeding pose than bottles currently available. The design firm does not yet have plans to bring the Imprint Custom Nipple to market, though it continues to research the idea." (review by Business Week.)

I really appreciete Design Continuum idea, as mother we always want the best for our baby. Anyway breast feeding is still the best.

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